Medical Aid Articles

Medical aid annual review
Good news about Covid-19 cover
OnePlan health insurance
Medical aid premium holiday
One Plan medical aid explanation
Bonitas Lifestyle Vouchers
Health Squared
Virtual medical consultations
GEMS in 2019
Fewer people will be able to afford medical aid
Annual review of medical aid
Medical aid terms
Depression medication
Samwumed scandal
Medical aid increases in 2019
Bonitas 2018 Prices
Questions to ask yourself before getting a new doctor
Medical aid expenses in retirement
NHI scheme
Medical aid fraud
Know about PMBs
Healthcare workers and NHI
Medical aid fraud
Private healthcare system
Medical aid trauma about emergency claims
Free Market Foundation on NHI
HIV-Aids and Medical Schemes
Medical cover
Strokes and Medical Aid Schemes
Tuberculosis and Medical Schemes
Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis and Other Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases
Medical aid and VAT
Planned procedure
Do I need medical aid when I retire
Scopes and scans
Restrictions on medical aid in South Africa
Dependent on a medical aid scheme
Late joiner penalty
Medical aid PMB
Registrar of Medical Schemes
Screening tests
Medical aid restrictions
Discovery medication
Medical aid with low premiums
Eyesight and medical aid
New members for small medical schemes
Tax credit
Cheap health insurance
Is health insurance enough
When sick is not really sick
Cutting medical aid
 Wooltru Healthcare Fund
Dangers of extreme sports
Choose medical cover
Genesis benefits 2018
Third Award for Bonitas Medical Fund
Discovery report on chronic diseases
Restricted medical aid scheme
Health cover plan
Tax credits and NHI
Medical aid premiums in 2018
Danger of political promises
Selfmed medical aid tariffs
Tax credits
Agility Health
Medical aid rates and tariffs
Genesis app for smartphones
Medical aid tax credits end
Debt and medical expenses
Chronic conditions and PMBs
Medshield medical scheme fees
Varicose vein surgery and medical aid
Ailments in advancing years
Choosing a medical aid plan in SA
Medical aid and health insurance
Belonging to a medical scheme
GEMS Medical Aid Increase 2017
Essential points to consider about medical aid
Medical aid tax deductions in South Africa
GEMS Emerald Value Medical Plan
Discovery Executive Medical Aid
Don’t cancel your medical aid
Medical aid policies for families
Your health is more important than breaking the law
Switching medical aids in 2017
Topmed Active Saver Plan
Expert advice on selecting a medical aid
Do you need a medical aid consultant
How medical aid costs are rising as benefits shrink
Joining a medical aid in 2017
On a Tight budget but still Need a good Medical aid Plan?
What is The way Forward for Medical aid Companies?
Frequently asked Questions about Medshield medical aid hospital plans.
Have you Heard of Medical co-payment Before?
Here’s why You are Paying so Much for Medical aid.
Medshield offer a Winning hospital aid Plan.
Medical Aid Increases in 2017
Medical aid Companies are taking Strain.
Affordable quality Health care is the Goal for 2017
Is the Medical schemes Act a crime Against humanity?
Who has the Best medical aid Scheme – and the Worst?
You need A medical aid Plan now, not in the Future!
How do I choose a Medical aid plan For the First time?
The changing Face of healthcare in South Africa.
How are medical aids in South Africa
Managed care in South Africa
Discovery Health Core Series
List of affordable medical aid plans in South Africa
Solvency levels of SA medical aids
Are medical aids a crime against humanity
Low-cost medical aid
Overview of Profmed Medical Aid
Medical aid in 2017
Confusion in the SA medical aid arena
What are prescribed minimum benefits
Medical scheme membership
Private hospitals and health care professionals
Medical aid trends now
Top three medical aids in South Africa
New rules do not harm medical gap cover
SA medical schemes losing members
Demarcation Regulations For Medical Cover
Budget planning and your medical aid
Gap cover rules
What is a medical aid agent
Working towards excellence in health care
Affordable medical aid in South Africa
Value of Health Care depends on money
Is hospital insurance sufficient
Unnecessary hospital admissions
Medical aid in 2017
Health insurance regulations
Custom medical aid
Medical aid changes
Choosing the right medical aid plan
State based medical schemes
Different Types of Health Cover in South Africa
Essentials of choosing health cover
Choosing between a Medical Aid and Hospital Plan
Proposed National Health Insurance
The average cost of health cover in SA
Hospital plan benefits
Pros and cons of medical aids
Best medical aids in SA
What do hospital plans cover
Why health cover is important
Choosing a medical plan
Day 1 health is a new medical plan provider
Tailor-made medical aid
Cut price health cover
Applying for medical aid cover from Discovery
Moto custom option
Medical aid on a budget
Catastrophe insurance
Best way to choose medical aid
Extra cheap medical aid
Get medical plan quotes
Free quote for medical aid
Great deals on medical aid
Where can I compare medical aids
Compcare is a one click medical scheme
How medical funds work
Top medical aids in South Africa
How to get a medical aid quote from Discovery
Bonitas Hospital Plus
How to sign up for medical aid
Top medical aids and how to contact them
Cheap Selfmed Hospital Plan
Topmed medical plans
Medical Aid Providers in South Africa
How to join a medical aid
List of medical aid schemes in South Africa
Best medical aid in South Africa
Hospital Plans from Medshield
Become a medical aid member
Best medical aid with basic cover
How to manage your medical aid cover membership
Is it okay to have a hospital plan only
Who can afford medical aid
Topmed Active Saver Plan
The state of medical aids in South Africa
Managed care and how it works in SA
Why medical aid is expensive

Medical scheme membership fees
NHI in South Africa
Network Options for Medical Aid
Leading medical aids
Signing up for medical aid
How to join Discovery medical aid
Get a reality check and get a lifestyle.
Selfmed have a health care plan for you.
Get on the road to good health with Transnet health care.
What is Curemed?
Is Discovery Medical Aid brilliant
How to choose a medical aid
Why medical aid is a must
Future of NHI and medical aids
Medical aid made easy
Bonitas prices 2018
Details about Selfmed
Genesis medical aid information
Health care in South Africa for expats
Top 5 ways to cover your health in South Africa
Private health insurance
National health insurance in South Africa
Medical scheme frauds in SA
Waiting periods for medical aid
Mental health problems
What is a good medical scheme
Genesis Medical Aid in 2018
Contact numbers of medical aids
Plan for the future by choosing a good medical aid plan.
Unless you are a robot you need a Medical Aid plan.
The point of medical aid
Find the best Medical Aid for the best medical care.
Can You Be Satisfied with a Medical Aid Plan
Late joiner penalties in medical aid
Limitations of medical aids
Best medical aid plan hints
High cost minimum benefits
Avoid high cost minimum benefit medical schemes
Why are medical aid benefits not unlimited
Look before you leap into buying a medical aid plan.
Cancelling medical aid
Medical schemes act MSA regulations
A medical aid plan that gives you something back.
Momentum medical aid wants you healthy and happy.
Bonitas medical aid plans are like having someone fuss over you all the time.
Bonitas and back pain
Polmed bribery case
What is a closed medical scheme – such as Polmed?
Not all medical aid schemes are born equal.
Low premiums on high-class medical aid from Medshield.
What types of medication does Discovery medical Aid cover?
Learn how to speak medical “speak”.

All info was correct at time of publishing