What is a closed medical scheme – such as Polmed?

Many people are not aware of what a Polmed closed medical scheme is all about. A closed scheme has more to offer than open schemes as employers put funds into it for the workers.

Polmed closed Medical scheme –

Closed medical schemes have achieved the highest scores in the Alexander Forbes Index for sustainability. And once again SAMWUMED and Polmed came out as top performers in the Index.

Closed schemes are more personal as the trustees are aware of the circumstances of each member. They support their members because they are employees of the same employer.

Plus, members benefit from closed schemes because they are not designed to make money from the workers

Risk exposures are Better managed

Polmed closed medical scheme By bringing together certain groups, closed medical schemes are able to collect premiums more easily from an employer and contain their costs better. They design their benefits around the unique needs of members who all belong to one and the same group.

South Africa has many healthcare schemes. You can look at the Council of Medical Schemes website and find a list of the names for a start.

The lists, of which Polmed is a part, serve as a guide to help you find healthcare cover that suits your health needs and budget. It’s a good idea to refer to the website for up to date information on contact details and the plans they offer.

Polmed closed medical scheme – for the Men and Women in Blue –

A closed plan such as Polmed means that only employees of the South African police can join. The name stands for Police Medical Scheme and registered under the Medical Schemes Act 68 of 1995. The members’ dependents can also join.

A Board of Trustees work to Benefit the Polmed closed medical scheme Members

Polmed has a Board of Trustees who ensure the scheme works to the benefit of all the members. The National Commissioner elects and appoints the board.

The Principal Officer, responsible for carrying out the directives of the Board, makes sure that the medical scheme is able to offer all its members an excellent service.

Committed to giving their members the best health plans, they offer members a DRM Programme which aims to improve long-term health by managing chronic conditions.

Diseases managed include –

  • Respiratory – COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma
  • Cardiac –  High blood pressure, heart failure, artery disease
  • Metabolic – Diabetes
  • Spinal – Cervical and lumbar conditions
  • Psychiatric – Bipolar, depression, stress disorder, substance abuse

Catering for a Diverse economy –

Many closed schemes cater for certain industries, professionals or unions. This is so as to cater for our diverse economy.

Closed medical aid schemes such as Polmed don’t discriminate on the basis of race, religion or gender. They cater to the unique needs of the brave people in blue.

All info was correct at time of publishing