You Need a Medical Aid Plan Now, Not in the Future!

There are many good reasons why South Africans need health care cover. Here are 10 reasons to join a medical aid. But why would anyone need 10 reasons, surely the chance of being seriously ill is good enough?

10 reasons to Join a medical Aid scheme

10 reasons to Join a medical Aid

No 1 Although there are currently plans to introduce National Health Insurance (NHI), this could take many years.

No 2 While the NHI will enforce all salary earners to contribute to the NHI and pave the way for free health care for all; we need cheap interim cover now.

No 3 About 44 million people rely on public health services. State hospitals and clinics simply cannot cope with this rising demand. Because they are understaffed, the healthcare facilities are under constant pressure. Also, many clinics have outdated equipment, and a shortage of supplies and so have been forced to close operating rooms.

No 4 The medical industry is not sure that the Government will be able to solve its current health care problems with funds raised by contributions to the NHI scheme. Equipment, supplies and medicine will cost millions of rands. Funds will also be required to employ qualified medical staff and to upgrade hospitals and clinics.

No 5 Salary earners should consider joining a healthcare scheme while they can afford to pay the monthly fees. Because fees are age-related, the older you are, the higher the fee.

No 6 With regard to the Medical Schemes Act, medical aid plans offer cover for close on 300 ailments. They also cover 27 chronic illnesses. Applicants should obtain advice from a healthcare advisor to purchase the product best suited to their income and lifestyle. Families should obtain the best comprehensive plan that their budgets will allow as a hospital plan alone won’t fund medical procedures.

Your family must Come first

No 7 South Africa has evolved into a violent society. Hijackings, rape, assault and serious road accidents have become everyday occurrences.

No 8 Recent years have seen an increase in patients who have cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Healthcare provides funding for the treatment of these ailments, with certain exceptions.

 No 9 Members have a watchful support system with regard to the Council for Medical Schemes. It monitors the industry and puts into place measures to help improve the country’s healthcare services.

No 10 With regard to the laws, healthcare must retain 25% of all fees from its members. This money back-up measure funds members for medical needs at all times.


All info was correct at time of publishing