The Benefits of Having a Hospital Plan

Many South Africans simply cannot afford basic medical aid. And often opt for much cheaper cover in the form of hospital plans. Here we will look at the benefits of having a hospital plan.

Hospital plans are beneficial options if you’re new to getting health cover. Because it provides members with basic, but important medical cover. It’s also much cheaper than medical aid.

The cover is not limited to in-hospital care but can include other day-to-day benefits too, depending on which package is chosen.

Here is an important tip: always get your hospital from a registered medical scheme. That kind of plan has many more benefits than a cash back hospital plan from an insurance company.

Benefits of Having a Hospital Plan

Benefits of Having a Hospital PlanMost hospital plans cover all your required in-hospital procedures and check-ups. And in most cases, you won’t have to pay any additional fees for procedures listed within the Council for Medical Scheme’s prescribed medical benefits list.

Hospital plans also cover a prescribed list of chronic conditions. As well as its medications and also covers pre-existing conditions. Which may be subject to waiting periods.

A hospital plan is also a good option if you need to cut down on your spending, but don’t want to let go of health cover altogether.

You can enjoy essential cover at private institutions but at a much cheaper fee. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

Before signing up for any hospital plan, you should make sure you are familiar with the procedures that have cover as well as limits, exclusions and waiting periods.

At the end of the day it is up to you to research the market and make meaningful comparisons of quotes. But do make sure you get a hospital plan, at the very least. Do not rely on the government for your health care.

All info was correct at time of publishing