Hospital Plan Articles

Below are links to a number of hospital plan related articles ranging from how to choose, and how to join a hospital plan, to why you need one and what they do and do not cover.
Before making any decision regarding joining a hospital plan or taking out any other medical cover, we encourage you to research a number of hospital plans thoroughly. Contact the ones that interest you and get quotes from different ones.
Most importantly,  make sure that you really understand what each hospital plan does, and does not cover. For example, most hospital plans do not cover outpatient (not staying overnight) treatments for cancer. If in any doubt, speak to a hospital plan advisor.


Clientele Life Hospital Plan Quotes

 Introduction to Clientele Life Hospital Plan Quotes Clientele has been providing health care benefit products to members for more than twenty years. During that time they have been amongst the first to market their products directly to new members. Their marketing maintains that…


Hospital Plans, Medical Insurance and Comprehensive Medical Aid Plans

Comprehensive medical cover is unaffordable for most South Africans. So many people are looking at hospital plans with new interest. These hospital plans generally cost far less than what a full medical aid costs you. In South Africa you also have to understand…


Low Uptake of Health Insurance Despite Increasing Prosperity

The South African Advertising Research Foundation recently conducted a survey. It found that the proportion of blacks in the country’s population who are classified in the top category of living standards (LSM 10) rose by almost 40% between 2004 and 2014. Clearly, more…


Clientele Life Hospital Plan

Many people call a Clientele Life hospital plan a medical aid scheme but it is not. Clientele life is an insurance company. Clientele offers hospital cover that DOES NOT cover all medical expenses such as specialist fees, medicines and therapy. The policy gives…


Hospital Cover South Africa

The cost of private medical care in this country is simply frightening. Just a general doctor’s appointment can set you back a few hundred rands. And that’s before you’ve had to pay out for medicine. The hospital cover South Africa offers can help…


Affordable Hospital Plan

There are plenty of medical aid schemes in South Africa and it’s not difficult to find an affordable hospital plan. A hospital plan is a type of entry level health cover option. Hospital plans are typically the most basic and cheapest of medical…


Dealing With Waiting Periods for Hospital Plans

Waiting periods for hospital plans irritate people. You have to serve these waiting periods when you start a new medical aid or you are looking to increase your level of cover. Many people only find out about these waiting periods when they want…


Scopes, Scans and Tests on Hospital Cover

When you decide to take out medical aid cover it is because you’ve thought about what the costs of doctors and specialists would be. You wonder what surgery would cost if you were to land in hospital. Do you know what it would…


Oncology Benefits In and Out of Hospital

Hearing that you have cancer and need cancer treatment can strike so much fear in your heart. We all know someone who has had cancer  – the pain, suffering and loss. Some people are so fearful of cancer’s connotations that they avoid visiting…


About Maternity Benefits, Hospital Plans and Childbirth Cover

We cannot stress the importance of pre-natal care enough. Millions of women around the world are giving birth each year. And a significant number of these will have complications related to the birth. But not everyone gives thought to maternity benefits as they…