TopMed Active Saver
TopMed Medical aid is one of South Africa’s top Medical Schemes. Here we will have a look at the Top Med Active saver.
Since its establishment in 1972, they have refined the various medical aid options that they provide to suit all personal budgets and circumstances.
One of these is the:
Top Med Active Saver. – Specially designed with Sportsman and Young Families in mind
Reasons to choose this option.
Top Med is a Medical Aid Scheme with a long successful history
- For as little as R1350 per month it provides extensive choice options.
- Unlimited Private Hospital Cover
- Any G.P or specialist of the member’s choice.
- 20% medical savings account for out of Hospital Cover. Any unused savings are carried over.
- An excellent option to choose for families. Family tariffs are very affordable, and it also covers young adults who are family members. (Often young adults cannot afford their medical aids while still scholars).
- Top Med Medical Aid Active Saver is NOT only for sick people, but it has been proved time and again that this option offers something for the person who is young and fit.
- Offers basic dentistry
- Disease Management- TopMed Active Saver Plan allows for expert advice in case of specific diseases i.e. Kidney or HIV.
- Allows for screening tests. Helping to keep members aware and healthy.
- Optical benefits
- Wellness Benefit Covers immunisations: particularly of benefit to young families.
- Maternity Benefits – So Topmed has an extensive Maternity benefit programme which commences at 12 weeks. It also covers Pre and Post Natal classes, even less traditional birthing methods like home births or water births. So scans and Paediatrician attendance are available.
More Reasons
- Ambulance Services
- Chronic Medication is provided regarding government PMB’s
- Radiology and Pathology Services
- Cancer Management
- Prosthesis Benefit – generous cover in the Top Med Active Saver Plan
- Low Co-payments – Most Medical Aids require members to submit to co-payments before allowing a procedure. Some of the Medical Aids have an extensive list of which procedures come under this category. TopMed Active Saver allows for limited such payments and when they are required are kept low and affordable.
- Outstanding reputation in the industry.
- Medical Professional advice is always just a call away. When there is a medical question member speak directly to the professionals not a call centre operative.
- Business and Travel Insurance
As can be seen from the above there are many excellent reasons to choose Top Med Active Saver as a Medical Aid Option.
The plan is very comprehensive and is ideal for young families (i.e. immunisation wellness programs/maternity benefits/dentistry /optical etc).
All info was correct at time of publishing