Take the Sting out of your Medical Scheme Membership
The affordability of medical aid schemes in 2017 is a major concern for their members. Here we will look at medical aid membership.
Medical aids can’t cope with the increase in claims, which places schemes under increasing financial pressure.
Medical aid schemes get funds from member contributions, which means that their resources for paying claims limits. The more claims, the higher the contributions.
The result is a higher-than-usual contribution increase for the next year.
Review your current Benefits on Your Medical Aid Membership
The time is fast approaching when only the super rich will be able to afford medical aid. If you want to hold on to your medical aid, it is important that you review your current medical scheme benefits each year to ensure the cover you have is still meeting your family’s needs.
As you age, risks increase, so your plan should change as you go through different stages of your life.
Some medical experts claim that the key contributors to the spiralling costs of medical aid schemes are the exploitation of Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs). PMB legislation which dictates that medical schemes pay in full for the 270 conditions, has been criticised by the medical scheme industry for pushing up health care costs and the price of medical scheme cover.
Avoid Medical Schemes with Co-Payments
If you’re having medical treatment, you need to be aware of co-payments, deductibles and sub-limits. In fact, the key to not allowing your medical aid to get the better of you is to understand the product and benefits.
You also need to be constantly aware of new rules and regulations, and if you’re too bored by it, get a health cover expert who can keep you informed and do everything for you.
You can take the burn out of your medical aid membership by trying to use your scheme’s designated service providers, as your medical scheme and the provider have direct payment arrangements in place.
By using other service providers, you may have to pay penalties, co-payments and additional costs.
Medical scheme premiums are one of the biggest deductions we have every month. And for this reason, it is important to make sure you’re at the receiving end of quality healthcare. Look around at other options. It’s important to familiarise yourself with other options which may offer the same excellent quality but at a much more affordable price.
Is, is Worth Staying with the Plan You’re with?
Even if you don’t like the idea of switching plans, it pays to rethink your family’s health. And also whether it’s worth staying on the plan, you’re in.
Medical cover is a growing industry but it has many complications and indecisiveness.
There are medical aid comparison sites who work hard to bring you unbiased reviews. They do the research. They look at customer feedback and tell you what you need to know about a medical cover. And how you can take the sting out the high monthly premiums.
Complete the form on this page to get a personalised medical aid quote
All info was correct at time of publishing