Anglo Medical Scheme Has a Vision for Lifelong Health

Some medical aids are restrictive. This is not to purposefully exclude some groups of people though. The aim of these schemes, like the Anglo medical scheme, is to provide their members with the best possible coverage within the specific parameters dictated by the industry in which they operate.

The Anglo medical scheme is not unlike most medical aids. However, the options that they offer are available only to their specific members.  Members of this scheme are employees of a certain group of companies however, and unlike Discovery Health, the Anglo medical scheme is not a blanket scheme available to the masses.

However, like the cover offered by Essential Med, the Anglo medical aid scheme covers day-to-day cover, hospital cover, and comprehensive healthcare cover.

Anglo Medical SchemeWhat makes it different from other open plans however, and what is the most striking difference between the Anglo medical scheme and open plans like the Liberty medical scheme?


Open v Closed Medical Schemes

Not all medical schemes are open to the public. You would be interested to know that of the 119 medical aids in South Africa, only about 37 of these are open to the public. While this might be a 2008 statistic, it gives you an idea of the discrepancy between open and closed schemes. The Anglo medical scheme is a closed scheme. That means it is limited to its membership, opening it up only to employers of specific groups of companies.

Comparing Anglo medical scheme to Momentum Health and Resolution Health is pretty much the same thing. The only difference between the Anglo medical scheme and those is that the others are open to the public. The benefits provided by all of these medical aids though, are quite similar.

Members enjoy the full range of benefits available from good medical aids. These include:

  • oncology treatment
  • psychiatric treatment
  • everyday healthcare needs, from visits to a GP or dentist
  • over the counter medication.


You therefore, don’t need to worry if you are not an employee of the companies covered by the Anglo med scheme.

What are some of the outstanding differences though, with the Anglo American Scheme?

Anglo American Medical Aid

Like the Wits medical aid, the Anglo medical scheme covers employees of the Anglo American group. Unlike the Sizwe medical aid and the Topmed medical scheme, the Anglo medical scheme offers this exclusive group of people all the benefits of superior medical coverage. They offer various plans, from the Value Care Plan, to the Standard and Managed care plans. Regardless of your position in the company, you will find a suitable plan to meet your needs.

Whom the Anglo Medical Scheme Serves

The Anglo medical scheme covers employees of the Anglo American group of companies. It does however, meet all the criteria that governs medical aids in South Africa, and as such, the Anglo medical scheme is one that covers any aspect of medical treatments. They even have a rather unconventional approach to HIV management, making them better even, than most available today.

All info was correct at time of publishing