Bonitas – the medical scheme with attitude.
Bonitas medical scheme prides itself on having medical aid plans you can afford. No other scheme offers such a wide variety of plans.
Almost everybody in need of healthcare will be able to afford at least some basic cover.
Medical costs have skyrocketed and very few people are able to afford even the most basic medical care. Bonitas has a long history of providing medical cover to people that would otherwise not be able to afford it.
What plans Does a Bonitas medical Scheme offer?
There are a variety of plans designed to meet every possible need and budget.
The BonComprehensive plan is the flagship of Bonitas medical cover. With unlimited doctors consultations and major medical cover of up to three hundred percent over the basic medical aid rates.
The BonEssential plan for young, healthy fit people is a hospital plan. It covers all Prescribed Medical Benefits (PMB’s) listed, and it offers extended cover in case of a stay in hospital.
The BonSave plan is a basic hospital plan that allows members to manage their day-to-day medical needs with a savings plan.
The Standard option offers no-limit annual benefits, comprehensive hospital cover and generous day-to-day benefits. Included are chronic medicine benefits as well as advanced dental work, something not always found with other plans.
The Traditional option for the people who are only able to afford basic care. Members must not be in need of chronic treatment and must be healthy. All major medical expenses covered fully at the standard medical scheme rate.
Bonitas know that some people simply cannot afford full cover. Therefore BonCap is a plan meant for those who are willing to consult only with preferred service providers. The plan includes cover for costs incurred while in the hospital and pays the full approved scheme rate.
How to Choose a Plan
There are two main rules that dictate the type of plan that you should consider:
- How much can you afford to pay monthly for a medical aid scheme? It is no use having a costly plan that deprives your family of enjoying a reasonable standard of living. If you have a small budget, it’s more realistic to choose a plan you can pay for without stress.
- The health risk of the main member and family. If the risk is high, it’s best to get a policy that covers the critical issues.
A Bonitas medical Scheme is in your Health interests
Bonitas has a great rep and offers a wide range of plans that suit all budgets. However, you must decide on the plan that best fits you. Do some research and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand anything.
All info was correct at time of publishing