Bonitas Boncap Allows Access to Medical Experts when you Need Them

Plans for a National Health Insurance Scheme which will provide basic cover for all South Africans is still on the cards. In the meantime millions of South Africans rely on the defunct public health sector. Many times medical equipment and antibiotics are not available and patients succumb to death. Without a medical aid in South Africa you risk your health and your life. Bonitas Boncap is an option which allows you to have access to a professional network of medical experts when you need them. This option allows you to ALWAYS  have access to quality medical care and not just when you’ve got money.

Medical Aids in South Africa

South Africa has many excellent medical aids such as Genesis Medical Aid, Bonitas and Discovery Health among others. Medical schemes such as Liberty Medical Aid and Momentum Medical Aid fit everyone’s medical needs and pocket. You can request quotes online and and also have access to expert advice on each medical aid in South Africa.

Happy Bonitas Boncap MembersAn affordable, decent medical plan such as Bonitas Boncap, is an absolute must-have in South Africa today. Without such plans, you would in all likelihood have to share a bed in an overcrowded public health ward. Do research and make sure that the medical aid you choose is solvent. With Bonitas  you won’t be paying into a scheme that will go bankrupt and take all your money and benefits with them. Bonitas Medical Aid is stable and has been running for years. When you are looking for South Africa’s top 5 medical schemes, you’ll always find Bonitas listed among them.

Bonitas Medical Aid Benefits

Discovery Medical Aid is the largest medical scheme in South Africa. Bonitas Medical Scheme is the second largest open medical scheme. It is financially sound, with an AA- Global Credit Rating, and a solvency ratio of 33.3%. In 2015 they have 32 years of healthcare experience behind them. The medical aid has around 5000 GPs in their network and these medical professionals work at set rates, avoiding co-payments. The aim of Bonitas Medical Scheme is to give their members more value for money. They have a wide range of products such as the popular Bonitas Boncap for their customers. Plans such as this are simply explained and details are given on the cover you can expect.

Bonitas Boncap Details

Bonitas LogoThe Bonitas Boncap Plan is perfect for those who don’t have a lot of money to splash around. It is for those who want to know that they are still covered for the most essential medical care. The Bonitas Boncap Plan is fantastic in that it comes with a network of hospitals, dentists, pharmacies and optometrists. Their services will be covered at 100% of the Bonitas tariff. Bonitas Boncap offers so much at an affordable price –

●  major medical benefits – all hospital admissions, renal dialysis, oncology treatments
●  chronic medicine benefits –  26 conditions are covered
●  supplementary benefits – medical expenses out of hospital such as emergency medical transport from ER24
●  out of hospital benefits – day to day expenses at network providers
Some of the other good reasons to belong to Bonitas Boncap are –
●  BonCap premiums are income-based
●  when members require specialist care, Bonitas BonCap offers 3 specialist consultations per
beneficiary and up to 5 specialist consultations per family
●  Bonitas BonCap’s maternity benefits are more generous than other entry-level options. For the birth, you will also be covered at 100% of the Bonitas Rate in a network hospital
●  cover for dentistry and optometry
●  dedicated customer service channels

Prevent the Unbearable Agony of Dealing with Public Health Services

With good reason, most people think South Africa’s public health system is a joke. Bonitas Medical Scheme has gone out of their way to put together a range of solutions. Their affordable Bonitas Boncap will have you laughing, but for all the good reasons, of which affordability is the most important.



All info was correct at time of publishing