Key Health Medical Aid Keeps South African Families Healthy
What is Key Health medical aid?
You contribute to a medical aid which then pays for treatment from a GP, specialist or hospital. Medical aids cover the costs of private medical care as a result of an accident, illness and child birth
Discovery medical aid
As with Key Health medical aid, Discovery Health medical aid features a range of cover, enabling a customer to select the most suitable plan for his or her health needs and financial situation. Plans range from the Executive Plan, at the top end of the scale, to KeyCare Plans.
Discovery’s Executive, Comprehensive, Priority and Saver Series all provide in and out of hospital cover. The Core Series provides in-hospital and chronic mediation cover, while the KeyCare Series is the most affordable cover. KeyCare offers unlimited hospital cover in the KeyCare network of hospitals and cover for chronic medicine on the Discovery medicine list for Chronic Disease List conditions or go the Council of Medical scheme chronic disease list.
Compare medical aids with Key Health medical aid
Cheap medical aid does not mean the best medical aid cover. That is because seeking out a medical aid with low premiums may eliminate good medical cover. You may spend less each month but dramatically more during sickness or hospitalisation – expenses that can be crippling.
The medical aid South Africa sector is well developed. When choosing a medical aid, shop around and compare medical aids, including Key Health medical aid. Then find one that suits your lifestyle, family needs and financial situation. Most medical aids such as Key Health medical aid offer medical aid quotes online. That takes much of the legwork out of your medical aid comparison.
Remember this
However, remember that most medical aid schemes offer the same benefits. That includes Key Health medical aid. Many medical aids sell themselves on loyalty programmes, bonuses and other such extras. However, but Key Health medical aid believes its strength lies in its focus on being a pure Medical Aid.
Therefore, when comparing Key Health medical aid to other medical aids, don’t be misguided by the fringe benefits a medical aid may offer. It is the benefit structure of the scheme that is important. Make sure you understand the benefit structure of the scheme. That is because every medical scheme has exclusions, protocols and co-payments of some sort. Medical aids such as Key Health medical aid pride themselves on the effort they make to ensure that their members are well-informed.
In addition, an advantage of a medical aid such as Key Health medical aid over some other medical aids is the financial soundness of the scheme. Check this out before making a decision about which medical aid to go with. Key Health medical aid as required by law, has at least 25% of members’ annual contributions in reserve to pay claims should anything go wrong. Schemes that don’t meet this requirement might not be sustainable in the long run and may have higher contribution rates in order to make up the shortfall.
All info was correct at time of publishing