Thebemed Gives Access to Quality Health Care Close to Home

Thebemed is part of the South African medical aid industry.  And the scheme features a large number of medical aid options. And most these offer an extensive number of options and benefits to choose from.

Importantly, the most well-known medical aids in South Africa include Discovery medical aid. It is the most popular medical aid scheme in the country. And it has over 2 million members or 40% market share.

Medical schemes in South Africa

Another well known name is Momentum Health, part of the Momentum Group. Importantly, as the fourth largest medical aid in South Africa, it has nearly 10% of the market share. Liberty medical aid has around 120 000 beneficiaries and is part of the financial services company, Liberty. The Genesis medical aid was established in 1995 and is a medium-sized scheme.

Happy Thebemed FamilyCheap medical aid schemes in South Africa generally suit the needs of people with a healthy lifestyle. In addition, there are a number of cheap medical schemes to choose from as, with the huge variety of medical schemes in this country, many schemes try to offer as many benefits as possible at the lowest rates to ensure they are competitive.There are disadvantages to this cost cutting however, including often poor services and claims payouts, the availability of only basic benefits and limited hospitalization coverage. Therefore, when requesting health insurance quotes, look at the benefit structure as well as the premiums.

What is Thebemed?

Thebemed is a medical aid scheme offering affordable health cover and providing its members with access to a vast national network of doctors and other medical care providers.

Thebe Ya Bophelo Healthcare Administrators (TYB) runs Thebemed.  The administrator is a member of Thebe Investment Corporation. A black-owned company, Thebe Investment Corporation was established in 1992 by a community-based trust, BathoBatho Trust.

Thebemed Medical Aid SchemeThebemed offers the entry level Universal Plan for Young Families, covering everyday healthcare needs, including specialists, dentistry and optometry, through an extensive Thebemed Designated Service Provider (DSP) network. The Thebemed Universal Plan offers private hospital cover, comprehensive primary care, choice of designated service providers and choice of cover.

The Thebemed  Energy Plan provides health care plans for miners and their families. Therefore, this Thebemed plan offers private hospital cover, comprehensive primary care, choice of designated service providers and choice of cover.

As miners often live far away from their families and it is important that all family members have access to quality cover close to where they live. Therefore, the Thebemed Energy Plan offers three levels of cover: Core for access to one Designated Service Provider, for instance a GP, Medium for access to three Designated Service Providers, and Open for access to any Doctor.

Members of Thebemed plans also enjoy access to the Thebe Lifestyle programme with rewards such as funeral cover, free airtime, credit and debt assistance and discounted gym fees.

Closed Schemes v Open Schemes

There are two kinds of schemes – open and closed schemes. Significantly, any person can join an open scheme. There are currently more than 30 open medical schemes in South Africa. Typically, their benefits are generally much more innovative than closed medical schemes. Various sources list Discovery health, Liberty Medical Scheme and Momentum as amongst the largest open medical schemes in South Africa.

Closed medical aid schemes are only open to a particular company, profession, trade, industry, calling, association or union that have established a scheme exclusively for their employees and members.




All info was correct at time of publishing