Medihelp Medical Aid Offers Specialised Products
Word has it that South Africa isn’t going to have a fully implemented public health system till 2025; if ever. In the meantime South Africans can’t afford to be without private medical aid cover. A lack of medical equipment, a shortage of medicines and skilled doctors awaits at most public hospitals. Over population may also mean you sharing a bed and used linen with one or two others. Most South Africans are looking for a simple, cheap medical aid such as Medihelp Medical Aid which gives them the cover they need. The best way to find the cheapest medical aid is to compare the premiums and benefits. Request a quote from any one of the many medical aid websites available.
Medical Aids in South Africa
Some of the top names in the medical scheme market are Medihelp Medical Aid, Momentum Health, Liberty Medical Aid, Fedhealth, Bonitas and Discovery Health. The services offered by these medical aids are chronic medication, hospitalisation and daily benefits. Discovery Medical Aid is the largest health scheme. Medihelp Medical Aid is also a large medical scheme in South Africa, caring for the healthcare needs of some 220 000 South Africans. This medical scheme offers 10 benefit options and you can choose between a hospital plan or comprehensive cover. Bestmed also provides superb healthcare benefits. They have about 193 000 beneficiaries who make use of their 10 unique benefit options. With so many medical aids and benefits offered in South Africa, you get healthcare to suit your unique lifestyle.
What is a Medical Aid?
Healthcare costs a fortune. If you had a stroke or developed cancer, without a medical aid, your future would be bleak. A medical aid helps you be able to pay for treatment received from either a GP, specialist, or hospital. Some medical aids are open and some are restricted. A restricted medical aid only accepts members from certain industries. GEMS Medical Aid is a restricted medical scheme for government employees. Medihelp Medical Aid and Spectramed are examples of open medical aids. First evaluate your state of health. Then choose the medical plan you can afford and which offers quality cover and affordability. There was a time when medical aids in South Africa could reject applicants based on their health and their age, but it is no longer legal to do so.
Medihelp Medical Aid Facts and Figures
Medihelp is one of South Africa’s larger open medical schemes. The primary benefit of medical aid cover is having access to excellent health care. Medihelp Medical Aid makes sure individuals and families enjoy all the advantages of having treatment in a private hospital and from the cream of the crop medical professionals. They are one of the older medical aids and have more than 100 years experience in the medical scheme industry.
Medihelp Medical Aid is all about excellent financial performance. Global Credit Rating has awarded Medihelp with an AA- rating for their good claims-paying abilities. In 2012 alone they processed in the region of 3million claims, paying a whopping R3 148 399 733 in benefits. Members of Medihelp Medical Aid also only pay monthly contributions for a maximum two children younger than 18 years of age. This is on their Dimension Prime range for instance. Children are able to remain child dependants until the age of 26. With Medihelp Medical Aid there are also no overall annual limits on hospitalisation on any of their benefit options.
A Century of Good Healthcare Returns
By becoming a member of South Africa’s top medical aid schemes, you are investing money in that scheme in exchange for excellent medical benefits. Medihelp Medical Aid is an old medical aid that is doing something good to have been around for longer than a century.
All info was correct at time of publishing