Profmed the Choice of Graduate Professionals

Profmed offers the best medical aid when it comes to undergraduate students. The scheme has low rates offered to members as compared to other medical schemes. Therefore, this medical scheme is one of the most popular medical aid schemes.

What is Profmed medical aid?

In South Africa, medical aids are either open or restricted. Profmed is a closed medical aid. Profmedis not open to the public, meaning not ust anyone may become a member.

With restricted medical aids, such as Malcor medical aid and GEMS medical aid, members have to comply with certain criteria. To qualify, people must belong to a certain trade union, professional association or work in a specific industry. In the case of Profmed, members have to have a specific academic qualification.

Happy Healthy Family with ProfmedOpen medical aids like Discovery medical aid,Genesis medical aid and Momentum Health are open medical aids where no criteria is needed to become a member except that you must be older than 18 years, be able to pay your monthly fee and is not currently a member of any other medical aid.

To find the best medical aid with the best prices, is it advisable to compare medical aid quotes. This might take some time but will save you money.

All medical aids in South Africa must comply with rules and regulations governed by the Medical Schemes Act, 1998. This act established a medical aid council, which regulates and supervises private health financing.

Is there a Profmed hospital plan?

If you want a hospital plan from Profmed, you can look at the ProActive and ProActive Plus plans. Both these plans do offer day-to-day medial aid benefits, but depending on your circumstances and financial position, it might not be enough to cover all day-to-day costs.



ProfmedIf you are a healthy single student with no dependents, a basic hospital plan might be enough to cover medical emergencies, but if you have a family or a medical history that dictates frequent visits to specialists and the requirement of chronic medication, you should consider alternative plans. By comparing Profmed benefits, you will be able to find the perfect plan fit for your lifestyle.

How do I submit Profmed claims?

Profmed tries to make the claim procedure as quick and easy as possible. Most of the time, the service provider –a doctor or dentist – submits the claims electronically. However,please check that the claims are correct. This is just a way to make sure that the claims against your benefits are accurate. Mistakes are easily made, so, if you do come across one, contact your service provider and enquire about the problem.After you have spoken to the service provider, please contact Profmed to bring the irregularities to light.

In the case where a member had to pay upfront for any service that is covered by your benefit, the member can claim back the amount from Profmed. Simply mail of post the account to Profmed.


All info was correct at time of publishing