LA Health is for Local Government Employees
LA Health has provided health insurance to the Local Government industry the last 40 years. The South African Local Government Bargaining Council has accredited the medical scheme. Importantly, there is no equal that can match LA Health prices and service.
Affordable Medical Aid
LA Health and Genesis medical aid are some of the most affordable medical aids that will provide a member with medical cover that offers value for money. Too often people neglect to take out health cover due to the lack of funds. Sometimes medical aids do not provide enough cover for treatment of serious illnesses and conditions. However,if you do not have any medical insurance you might want to consider a hospital plan by LA Health, especially if you have a family.
Medical Aids in South Africa
Choosing the correct medial aid might be a daunting task. You can choose from hundreds of medical schemes and trusted names like Liberty medical aid and Discovery medical aid. One must compare medical schemes in order to find the perfect one for you.
In South Africa, you have a dual healthcare system that consists of private healthcare and public providers. Private healthcare has open and closed schemes. With open schemes, like Momentum medical aid, any one from the public may become a member. Closed schemes have a restriction to membership, like with LA Health, where you have to be a Government employee to become a member.
What does LA Health medical aid offer?
LA Health medical scheme is in partnership with Discovery Health. The scheme, via Discovery, provides excellent cover to persons working or affiliated with the Local Government. LA health medical aid understands that clients have their own needs and circumstances that affect the amount of money they have to spend on health care plans. Therefore, LA Health offers you five options in choosing the correct plan to suite your needs:
LA Comprehensive
This is the biggest and most comprehensive cover by that will provide in all Major Medical Benefits (MMB) regarding to all in-hospital and large expenses. The Medical Savings Account (MSA) covers all day-to-day expenses, but when there are no more MSA amounts, the Annual Threshold for day-to-day expenses activates.
LA Core
This option covers all in-hospital and large expense with the Major Medical Benefit (MMB). In this LA Health option, the MSA pays for day-to-day expenses. When depleted, claims regarding GPs, pathology, specialists, acute medicine, dentistry and radiology are paid by the Scheme from the Insured Procedures Benefit (IPB)
LA Active
This option provides MMB to cover all in-hospital costs and large expenses. The MSA covers day-to-day costs.
LA Focus
The hospital cover specifically covers all members at the cost in any province.
LA KeyPlus
This option was created with a Designated Service Provider (DSP) in mind for all hospital procedures. Members’ hospital procedures will be covered which is in the KeyCare Hospital network.
Through the partnership with Discovery Health medical aid, members of LA Health are able to enjoy all wellness and lifestyle programmes when joining Discovery Vitality. This means that members will also have the advantage of getting cash back and are be able to qualify for other incentives.Contact LA Health for more information to become part of the Discovery LA Health family.
All info was correct at time of publishing