Affordable Medical Aid Schemes
It is not so simple to get affordable medical schemes quote online. Rather use the form on this page to get a health insurance quote. You should then submit the form and in a jiffy you will have your quote in your hands shortly
- The system will only return quotes from companies whose plans you are able to afford. Remember that it would be irresponsible for us to recommend to you an unaffordable medical plan.
- Examine the quote carefully to establish exactly what it includes and, more importantly, what it excludes. Look out for dental cover, which is important, and daily medical costs. A medical savings account associated with your medical aid plan should pay. If you have any concerns, now is the time to ask.
More Tips About Affordable Medical Schemes
- Learn more about the recommended affordable medical aid plan. Search this website to find out more. There is information about all the major medical schemes in South Africa. That is in addition to a few of the smaller sized schemes.
A few of the major medical aids include Discovery Health, Sizwe, Bonitas and Momentum. There are likewise smaller ones such as Cape Medical Aid and Genesis. These are store medical aids and they are outstanding too.
- It could be that your budget allows you to be a member of a hospital plan only. The medical schemes themselves provide these and we suggest you choose a hospital plan from a medical scheme rather from an insurance company. Then you will have immediate cover for a huge number of illness and conditions as required by the Medical Schemes Act. Insurance business are not obliged to pay for the treatment of these conditions.
- Lots of medical schemes in South Africa are restricted schemes, meaning that only staff members in these fields or companies can enter. Two examples of these are GEMS medical aid to which only government employees may belong and Afrox medical scheme that only Afrox employees can join.
- You will be asked to supply original paperwork prior to your medical aid membership being initiated. Remember to do this as soon as possible after you get your quotes as the procedure of signing you up and making your subscription active does take some time.
Conclusion – Affordable Medical Schemes
- Make certain you are completely honest about your wellness status and your financial circumstance when completing the documentation. If the medical fund finds that you have lied in the paperwork there is a good chance that they will not pay benefits when you need them.
- Be patient once you have actually submitted your paperwork. Belonging to a medical aid is a lasting, essential choice. All the paperwork needs to. You will get notification if you are accepted for the scheme and the date on which you can begin to draw benefits.
All info was correct at time of publishing