Medical Aid Quotes Online
Medical aid quotes online is a great way for South Africans to investigate the medical scheme and hospital plan market. Now Medical Plan Advice offers quick medical quotes right here on the website.
It is easy to fill in a form and submit it to get a quote fast.
Bear in mind the following when getting medical aid quotes. There are two separate kinds of medical cover.
- Medical Schemes. These schemes register with the Council for Medical Schemes and must therefore adhere to regulations in terms of legislation. Among these medical aids are well-known ones like Sizwe, Discovery, Momentum, Genesis, Fedhealth and so on. These schemes offer hospital plans in addition to fully-fledged medical aid.
- Insurance Firms. Insurance companies offer insurance products and not medical aid. They do not fall under the Medical Schemes Act. They offer mainly cover for hospitalisation and not
much else. Unlike medical schemes they do not have to cover you for treatment for chronic conditions, for examples. Be very sure what cover you have when taking out health insurance from an insurance company like Liberty or Clientèle.
Thing to remember when getting medical aid quotes online
- If you require a hospital plan only it is preferable to get hospital cover from a fully-fledged medical aid. These schemes are obliged by law to cover you for many conditions (over 270 of them) including upward of 25 chronic conditions including heart disease and cancer. Try medical aids such as Discovery, Sizwe, Bonitas and Genesis to get hospital cover. There are some excellent and affordable hospital plans available.
- If you want to join a medical scheme there are many schemes that are open to everyone and not industry-specific such as Bankmed for banking employees and GEMS for government employees. Try Momentum, Genesis, Discovery and Fedhealth to get competitive medical quotes online.
Take Note of These Points Too
- If you live along the South African coastal belt then remember that you are eligible for a very good deal on medical aid. Go to Discovery Health to find out about the Coastal Core range of medical aid options. It has been found that South Africans living near the coast enjoy better health than those who live inland, so Discovery charges less in the way of premiums to coastal folk.
- Medical aid for pregnant women can be a problem because most medical aids have a 12-month waiting period before they will pay a member out for childbirth-related medical expenses. This is to prevent people from joining a medical scheme just to get childbirth benefits and then leaving the scheme after the little one has been born. The medical schemes would have to shoulder enormous costs if that happened.
- If you are expecting to be hospitalised you are in luck. By law the medical aid schemes (not insurance companies) are obliged to give you cover. Nonetheless you should be certain when getting medical aid quotes online that you will be covered right away. It is best to disclose everything you know about your health when joining a medical aid. Otherwise you might find yourself in a difficult position where your medical scheme refuses to pay your medical bills. You would then have to pay these bills out of your own pocket.
All info was correct at time of publishing