Discovery Medical Aid Plans Aim to Make People Healthier
Discovery started as a small medical scheme 20 years ago. The scheme is now a multifaceted financial services organization that aims to make, and keep, people healthy. In fact it has become the largest private healthcare “funder” in the country. Its medical scheme products have a health and wellness focus including the various Discovery medical aid plans.
Members of medical aid schemes want the assurance that their medical scheme will pay their claims. Discovery Health Medical Scheme is the only South African open medical scheme that has a global credit rating of AA+, so there’s no risk for members.
Discovery Medical Aid Plans Are Varied
There are a number of different plans. These range from affordable KeyCare Series medical aid plans to the Executive Plan. The latter offers the highest possible benefits. It just depends what you and your family need. The four Discovery Series medical aid plans give options in terms of how much members pay monthly.
Executive Series
The Executive Plan provides extensive cover for members, both in and out of hospital. For instance there is unlimited cover for all private hospitals, including cover for private wards. Specialists in hospitals are also fully covered, as is chronic medication for all the conditions on the Chronic Disease List plus a few additional ones. Members of this medical aid plan can access specialised medical care in South Africa and overseas. And it includes medical emergencies when travelling.
Undoubtedly the most elite of the Discovery medical aid plans, the Executive Plan incorporates the highest savings account of all the plans, with an unlimited “above threshold benefit” that covers day-to-day health and medical needs.
Comprehensive Series
The Comprehensive Series is another of the Discovery medical aid plans that provides unlimited private hospital cover. And there is guaranteed full cover for specialists. However, this is at a lower rate than the Executive Plan (200 percent instead of 300 percent of the Discovery Health Rate). There is full cover for chronic medicine cover. Also there is cover for advanced medical care and medical emergency cover while travelling.
Comprehensive, as its name suggests, this is one of the Discovery medical aid plans that incorporates a high savings account facility.
Priority Series
The Priority Series is one of the Discovery medical aid plans that give effective cover both in hospital and out of hospital. Like the previous plans there is unlimited cover in any of the country’s private hospitals as well as guaranteed full cover for specialists while you are in hospital. There is cover for chronic diseases and there is available cover for medical emergencies while travelling.
Again, this is one of the Discovery medical aid plans that offers peace of mind with a savings account and “above threshold benefits” for day-to-day needs, although these benefits are limited. It’s all about your priorities, and there is a savings account in the plan.
Saver Series
The Saver Series trims down cover and costs, but still provides unlimited private hospital cover, like the other Discovery medical aid plans. There is cover for all chronic diseases on the official list and specialist fees while in hospital.
Day-to-day healthcare needs are, as for other Discovery medical aid plans covered by a savings account.
The Core Series provides cost effective cover for chronic medicine and in-hospital costs, including unlimited private hospital cover. There is no savings account with this plan.
Keycare Series
The KeyCare Series provides the most affordable medical aid cover available from the choice of Discovery medical aid plans. There is unlimited hospital cover. The option offers full cover for specialists that attend you while in hospital. There is a 100 percent of the Discovery Health Rate limit. You must use KeyCare network hospitals and specialists.
All info was correct at time of publishing