SAB Medical Aid Covers Bills from Specialists

Heart attacks, strokes and cancer are happening more frequently, bringing with them untold stress and costs. These debilitating illnesses strike rich and poor, young and old, with some 250 strokes occurring daily in South Africa. The SAB medical aid covers all of this.

Treatment towards rehabilitating stroke patients can be massively costly without a medical aid. You may have to borrow money, get a loan from the bank or even sell your home. The SA Breweries have thousands of people working in many countries around the world.

The aim of the SAB Medical Aid is to provide their many workers with quality products and services. The plans help ease the physical and emotional impact these illnesses cause. The SAB Medical Aid is a restricted South African Medical scheme created specifically for the people who work for the SA Breweries as well as their families.

What is Medical Aid?

SAB Medical AidIn South Africa there are many medical aid schemes such as Liberty Medical Aid, Discovery Health Medical Aid and Momentum Health just to mention a few. Discovery Medial Aid is South Africa’s biggest medical scheme. Some are open schemes like Discovery while others are restricted, like SAB Medical Aid. Medical aid quotes online make it easy for South Africans to compare medical schemes. Then they choose the one that suits their budget and their medical

Medical Aids South Africa

There are many medical aids in South Africa and each one offers quality healthcare at affordable prices. These medical aids have different benefit options and cater for different health requirements, lifestyles and budgets. Statistics revealĀ  most of them are financially fit to pay out claims. Each one believes they have the health solutions that South Africans are looking for. Medical aids South Africa are divided between open- and restricted schemes. SAB Medical Aid is an accredited, restricted medical scheme.

Difference between an Open scheme and a Restricted one

An open medical aid is when the scheme is open to the general public. Anybody over 18 can become a member of an open medical. A self employed person can join an open medical aid too. Restricted medical aids aren’t open to the general public. Either you must work for a certain company or have certain academic qualifications to belong to a restricted medical aid.

SAB Medical aid Facts and Figures

The SAB has been South Africa’s leading brewer and distributor of beer for more than 115 years. Metropolitan Health Corporate administers the scheme with the aim to provide brands and services which are of value to their customers. The Council for Medical Schemes supervises this medical scheme just like they do the more than 100 medical schemes in South Africa with close to 9 millionĀ  beneficiaries. They protect the interests of medical schemes and their members and also monitor the solvency and financial soundness of these schemes.

SAB Medical Aid plans are: the SAB Comprehensive Plan and the SAB Essential Plan. Their Comprehensive plan includes day to day benefits such as dentistry, mental health, chronic medicines and even alternative healthcare services such as homeopathy. The Comprehensive Plan also offers Major Medical Benefits with hospitalisation being the single most expensive healthcare benefit from SAB Medical Aid Society.

The SAB Medical Aid has contracted with specialists so as to be able to deliver quality health care services to their members. To avoid co-payments, members should use these particular specialists for treatment. By partnering with these specialists, the SAB Medical Aid can manage claims costs and keep premium contributions as low as possible while still offering members excellent benefits. SAB Medical Aid pays these specialists in full so that their members do not have to face large, inconvenient up-front payments.

Medical schemes such as SAB Medical Aid make sure their members have adequate access to the best health care there is and they want to ensure that as a restricted medical aid, each of their many members have access to all the medical advice and support they need.


All info was correct at time of publishing