50 Free, Easy Habits to Improve Your Health
- To improve your health, drink 750ml of water per day no matter what
- Eat breakfast, come what may
- Don’t take the lift – climb the stairs
- Never order anything fried, deep fried or pan fried
- When you get out of your car breathe deeply 10 times
- Stretch every muscle before you get out of bed
- Smile at a car guard once every day
- Take up a hobby
- Walk everywhere at twice the speed you normally walk
- Buy fat free milk instead of 2% or whole. Tastes great!
- Swap jam for slices of tomato, salt and pepper on toast
- Brush your teeth daily for two whole minutes
- Learn to love snacking on a handful of seedless raisins or an apple
- Once a month brush your hair 500 times before washing
- Train yourself to clear your bowels at the same time daily
- Steam your veg over boiling water. Don’t boil in water
- Ban margarine from your home
Breathe in warm salt water to clear your sinuses
- Never touch your face except when washing it
- Sit in the sun for 5 minutes a day when it’s shining
- Talk to a relative or friend on the phone once a day
- Pat your pets daily
- Always choose a baked potato rather than chips
- Chew your food well to combat hunger pangs
- If you feel your food lacks salt then salt it
- Never eat any food or enhancer containing MSG
- Rinse your hair in vinegar after washing so it shines
- Touch a leaf, a flower, tree bark when you pass by
- Go to bed early and rise early
- Read books
- Instead of stock cubes/powder use Marmite
- Floss. Even bad flossing is better than no flossing
- Stay away from huge crowds in public places to avoid germs
- Never eat a meal that is larger than your clenched fist
- Ban all electronic devices from your bedroom for sound sleep
- Go to a dentist once every six months
- Never use artificial sweeteners
- Don’t be too quick to apologise or explain
- Hug your kids often, even if they squirm
- Drink tea and coffee without guilt. They are good for you!
- Start each day, week, month and year with a list or plan
- Add fresh herbs to your food for taste and nutrients
- Focus on the people who make you happy
- Laugh at your weaknesses and ignore weaknesses in those you love
- Never listen to music on high volume
- Avoid crowds in public places. Too many germs!
- Don’t wear heels. Wear flat or slightly raised shoes
- Limit the time you spend daily on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Use a gentle ringtone for your alarm clock
- Be grateful each day for your blessings
All info was correct at time of publishing