Discovery Health Overview

Here is a Discovery Health overview. Discovery Health is the largest open medical aid scheme in South Africa with over 2,5 million members. Discovery Health offers full-scale, comprehensive healthcare cover right down to the most modest of hospital plans. Importantly, the low entry Discovery Key Care series of medical aid plans is particularly popular. There is truly a health plan for every pocket at Discovery medical aid.

Discovery Health Overview

Discovery Health is a leader in innovation in the medical aid field. Therefore, they encourage their members to stay healthy and not drain the scheme of its precious funding resources. So Discovery introduced Discovery Vitality. Discovery Vitality is a rewards scheme exclusively for Discovery Health members.

Importantly, it also links into Discovery Life so that people who are buying all their insurance and medical cover products in one Discovery Health Overviewplace get special deals. With Discovery Vitality members get huge bonuses, rewards and discounts from Discovery Health. That is, if they can prove that they care for their health through exercise programmes and regular medical checkups.

Discovery Health has elevated private health insurance with high tech offerings from Discovery Health medical aid. Take for instance their Discovery app that doctors can use to access all your information fast. There is also Discovery Health travel insurance for overseas travellers.

Discovery Health Overview

Discovery Health has an extremely good record in paying out members whenever they claim. Significantly, claims are paid out rapidly, strictly according to the medical aid rules and in compliance with the Medical Schemes Act of South Africa. All medical aids in South Africa must comply with the stipulations of this legislation. All Discovery Health plans, even the most modest hospital plan, must include cover for the full treatment of over 300 conditions as laid down in the Act. This includes the full treatment of 27 chronic conditions including asthma.

Discovery Health has a proud record of sound financial management. Its reserves are close to the statutory 25% of reserves which the law of the land requires every medical aid scheme to hold in reserve to pay the claims of members. This means that 25% of all contributions paid by members are paid into the reserve fund to fund future Discovery Health claims. This adds up to peace of mind for Discovery Health members, who are assured that Discovery Health will be able to pay claims even for the most expensive of procedures and medicines far into the future for as long as the Discovery medical plan covers the member for these treatments and medication.

Working Against Abuses

Discovery Health works hard to banish abuses of the health scheme system. It has a fraud unit to weed out unscrupulous medical providers, administrators, hospital admission staff and criminals who try to get around the Discovery Health rules. This includes members who make false or exaggerated claims. Discovery Health recognises that this approach is in the interests of all the members and the Discovery Health scheme at large.

Discovery Health Contact details:   0860 99 88 77
» +27 11 541 1222 when overseas

All info was correct at time of publishing