Did You Know That Medical Aids Pay for Rehab?
Fortunately for addicts, medical aid schemes now recognise addiction as a brain disease. They are therefore willing to pay for rehab the same way they would for any other illness.
Friends and family members tend to misunderstand those who have addictive tendencies to drugs and alcohol.
It’s easy to give up on someone you know because of their addiction. The emotional strain that accompanies a relationship with an addict is enough to make most people throw in the towel without any further effort of attempting to help.
If you yourself are an addict, you know firsthand how crippling it is to be a slave to a mind-altering substance. You often feel too weak and helpless to fight the strong tendencies that compel you to continue using.
If addiction is a problem for you or for any other medical aid member, contact your medical aid scheme about rehab cover.
Medical aid and the ‘disease’ of addiction
Because medical aid schemes in South Africa accept the notion that addiction is a brain disease, they are willing to include addiction treatment in their medical aid cover. This is often a part-contribution to the cost of rehab. The percentage that will be paid towards this treatment will depend on the medical scheme you belong to you use and your own medical aid plan.
However, with the increase of knowledge that is being attained by psychologists and doctors, this percentage is moving up. Medical aid schemes are compelled to pay more for addiction treatment, including time spent in rehab, because of the growing number of professionals who agree that is belongs in a disease category.
The various aspects of addiction treatment
Treating addicts is not just a single-phased process. There are many factors that play a part in the addict’s recovery. Among others are the following:
– Psychology sessions with therapists before, during and after the treatment period.
– Medical assistance for addicts who have become physically dependant on the substance.
– In house accommodation for the patient, including meals, entertainment and medication.
– Group therapy and motivational talks to inspire addicts to remain clean after treatment ends.
– Post-therapy checkups to maintain the addict’s substance free state.
As mentioned, these are only a few of the aspects to treating addiction effectively and permanently. A spell in a rehab clinic is also a possibility. It’s a long process that can cost a significant amount of money. Not being ready for something like this could really eat a hole in your pocket. Medical aid schemes have recognized this and include this type of cover in their plans.
Supporting you and your family
There is also the aspect of maintaining the external relationships of the addict. This can include joint therapy with family members and pertinent friends or co-workers. Your medical aid should cover additional costs like these, providing you have taken out a plan that covers these aspects.
The pharmaceutical aspect of addiction treatment
In addition to the psychological part of addiction therapy, there is also the aspect of medication. Patients need constant medical attention during the process of rehabilitation and as we all know, medicine costs a lot. So do doctors and their professional expertise. Having cover for all of this is imperative.
Your best interests at heart
Medical aid schemes are also coming to the realisation that contributing to drug and alcohol addiction treatment is a viable way to keep the client in good health. In the same way medical aids subsidise gym memberships to maintain optimum health, so they also will intervene in a case where the health of a member is at risk. Rehab is a possibility.
Drug and alcohol abuse causes many associated health complications. Medical aid schemes do not want to carry the costs of these related health problems. Covering their clients with addiction treatment is in your best interest and theirs.
Does this include radical interventions?
In the case where a family member (who is under the cover of the member’s policy) needs to be forced into a rehab facility, advice and assistance are needed. This can be a costly exercise if funded by you alone. Many medical aid companies will include this aspect to their cover.
Consult your personal medical aid company today and discover their options on addiction treatment and rehab. It’s the first step to stabilizing proper, effective treatment for yourself or your loved one.
Don’t see yourself as standing alone with this difficulty. Addiction is a problem that can be treated with the correct rehab facilities and professional help. You’re not alone. Good medical aids do fund rehabilitation and spells in rehab facilities.
All info was correct at time of publishing