Having a medical aid plan is ‘Plan A’ there is no ‘Plan B’.

Health insurance, in general, may not be cheap. However, there are a number of schemes that offer affordable medical aid cover to suit your needs.

The health plans offered by South African schemes are pretty similar with a slight difference in how the plans are packaged together.

Affordable medical Aid is Within everyone’s Reach

Affordable medical aidTo make an informed decision about the right plan to buy must be based on your budget. Then your family’s needs.

To look for a health plan is quite simple, visit a site that compares quotes, fill in the form and submit it. In no time plans based on your budget and needs are presented to you. The results include costs too so you can decide if any of the schemes on offer meet your demands.

Different schemes Suit different people with Affordable medical Aid

Medical aid is often thought of as a luxury but it is vital for the well-being of your family. Different schemes offer varying types of benefits and you must decide if the plan suits you based on criteria such as:

  • How much the plan covers for a hospital stay of any length?
  • Does it include GP consultation fees, optometrist fees and/or dental insurance?
  • The duration of the plan. How long does it run and is there an option to renew or downgrade to a cheaper plan?

Should I buy the Cheapest plan?

Choosing the cheapest medical aid plan does not always mean great service or the best cover. In fact spending less money on fees could cost you more when ill or if you end up in a hospital.

The best thing to do is choose a plan that offers sufficient levels of cover for a hospital stay along with the best benefits at the right rate. Best of all, medical aid fees are partly tax-deductible meaning that you end up saving money on medical costs.

Simple hospital plans usually offer the best return at the most affordable rate.

If you Are on a Tight budget

Selfmed offers the Essential Med option for tight budgets with sufficient hospital cover. The plans do not cover day-to-day expenses but they do cover major medical procedures and long-term hospital stays.

They also offer basic plans geared towards healthy members that do not require long-term care but can enjoy day-to-day cover along with hospital cover. The basic policy includes illness, hospital visits, maternity benefits, chronic conditions and optometry.

Private healthcare services

Medihelp’s plan is an affordable option that puts private healthcare within your reach. You may even qualify for a lower income category. Their services are provided by a network of doctors and service providers. Pre-authorisation applies to most services.

Annual limits of R800 000 per family per year apply and day-to-day benefits covered must be from within the network.

Medical aid cover is vital should you be involved in an accident or fall seriously ill. There are ways to find more affordable plans that will keep premiums low. Some plans actually work out cheaper if you have dependents so it makes sense to use a single plan for the whole family.

All info was correct at time of publishing