Discovery Health Medical Aid Details for South African Families

Discovery health medical aid started as a small health insurance company more than 20 years ago. It has grown to be the largest in South Africa. They give you security with the most plan options. They also encourage one to live a healthier lifestyle and gain wellness.

There are many medical aid schemes that offer great benefits but on closer inspection, not all the medical aids can offer what medical aid discovery can.

How does Discovery Health encourage wellness and healthier lifestyles?

Discovery Health medical aid looks for innovative ways to encourage their members to live a healthier lifestyle. They provide attainable goals or options to their members that others don’t.

Take their gym benefit for an example. You pay a once off activation fee and then a small monthly fee to join Virgin Active. That encourages you to get fitter by going to gym. Each time you go to gym you are Discovery Health Medical Aidawarded with points that get added to your total vitality points that help you move up the status levels.

With a Discovery credit card: pay your monthly gym fees with it to get a discount on your gym fees.

Getting fit and discounts

There are also sporting events that you can take part in. These events encourage you to get healthier. And it does not matter what your age or fitness level is.

To further encourage you, you have the option to take fitness assessments, well being assessments and nutrition assessments. These in turn will give you guidelines to getting fitter and healthier. And then you further gain a higher status level and higher discounts.

Another encouragement is the offer of a certain amount of points if you go for preventative screening checkups. These include a glucose test, blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Some of the assessments can be done online while others need to be done by professionals at a minimal fee.

These assessments give you an indication of your overall health, fitness and wellbeing and the results of the test then give you an indication of where you are at and what you need to do to improve.


Discovery Health has a range of plans to suit everyone’s needs and maybe you are healthy and don’t need the assessments and other Vitality benefits, you are still given the choice of 19 medical plans in the event of needing medical assistance of any kind.

With this kind of medical aid South Africa it is great to not only have your medical conditions covered but your health issues as well. Discovery encompasses your financial and health options, all under one umbrella and it is not surprising that they are the largest and most popular medical aid.

People generally need encouragement to achieve and Discovery Health has got it right not only in aiding your health improvement but also give you the backing with their medical plans, in the event that your health needs change.


All info was correct at time of publishing