Pharos Medical Plan Gives You So Much Choice
Pharos medical aid has so much to offer for everyone! The Pharos medical plan has been available since 1994. The plan is affordable, and meets most peoples’ requirements. The plan offers a wide ranging variety of medical plans. Irrespective of your income, budget and lifestyle, there is sure to be a Pharos medical plan to fit your needs.
What is medical aid?
Medical aid plans are the same as medical aid schemes. They are different from medical insurance policies (for instance from Clientele). There is sometimes confusion about this. The main purpose of medical aid plans such as the Pharos medical plan, Discovery medical aid plans, or the Momentum medical aid plans, is to cover your medical costs in case you should ever need private medical treatment.
By joining a medical scheme, you, your employer, or both contribute a fixed monthly amount to the medical scheme. You ensure that the necessary funds are available to pay for medical treatment. So if you ever land in hospital or develop a serious medical condition there will be medical help for you.
Medical costs in South Africa have increased enormously over the past few years. You need a medical plan like the Pharos medical plan or Discovery medical aid. Because if you had a serious accident or develop a chronic illness, you could receive medical bills that you could not afford!
Medical aid such as the Pharos medical planis also more cost effective than a medical insurance policy. Firstly, employers are able, and often do, contribute to the cost of an employee’s medical aid. Secondly, your monthly cost of a medical plan is generally cheaper than if you were to take out a medical insurance policy. Additionally, contributions to a medical plan are tax deductible whereas this is not the case when you take out medical insurance.
What Pharos medical plan offers
The Pharos medical planhas seven different medical aid options to choose from as listed below:
- Methcare
- Footprint Comprehensive
- Paladin Comprehensive
- Rainbow Comprehensive
- Active Saver
- Rainbow Plus
- Footprint primary
Additionally, the Pharos medical plan offers fitness incentives, reductions of up to 50% depending on your income, discounts for children under the age of one, and support and guidance on medical issues when required from a professional nurse.
More detailed information on the options available can be found here, or by telephoning: 0860 742767
When selecting your option from the Pharos medical plan it is important that you take into consideration what are you current needs and circumstances. There are many other medical plans on the market such as Bestmed, Bonitas medical aid plans, Cape medical plan, Discovery Health, LA health medical scheme, Liberty medical aid, Momentum Health, to name just a few. However, we have confidence in the Pharos medical plan and believe that it is more than comparable to other similar schemes.
Hospital plan insurance
Hospital plan insurance products should also not be confused with medical aid plans such as the Pharos medical plan. The main purpose of hospital plan insurance is so that if you are unexpectedly hospitalised for any reason, you will still receive an income despite the fact that you are not able to work. The money that is paid out to you during your period in hospital can be used as required.
You may want to use it to pay for any medical expenses incurred, school fees and so on. This enables you to have the knowledge that and your family will not suffer financial hardship whilst you are confined to a hospital bed.
All info was correct at time of publishing