Medical Quotes the Easy Way

With the help of the Internet, getting medical quotes for South Africans no longer needs to be a chore. Take a few minutes to complete the form that you will find by clicking this link and submit your particulars. On the form, you will find options for receiving either a response via email or a phone call.

For the former you will receive a no-obligation comparative quote in your inbox together with information on gap cover. Should you want a phone cal from a medical aid consultant. you will receive a call. The consultant will discuss with you the various medical schemes and hospital plans available. Then they will help you choose which best fits your needs.

Different Types of Medical Quotes

There are two major types of healthcare cover available to South Africans:

Medical Aid Schemes fall under the Council for Medical Schemes. The schemes must in terms of the Medical Schemes Act register with the council. This means, among other things, that they must offer cover for all the conditions listed as Prescribed Medical Benefits (PMBs). PMBs are a list of nearly 300 conditions among which are over 25 chronic conditions. Being a member of a medical aid scheme like Fedhealth, Discovery or Genesis assures you superb medical and hospital plans that cover all these ailments. Remember, however, that you are not allowed to be a member of more than one scheme at a time.

Insurance Companies include insurance powerhouses such as Old Mutual and Liberty. They are in the business of medical cover for profit. Unlike medical schemes discussed above, they are not required to offer health cover for all the conditions listed as PMBs. This is an important consideration when deciding on a medical cover for you and your family.

Medical Quotes

Considerations When Assessing Medical Aid Quotes

Besides the above distinction, there are a number of other considerations that should come into play in helping you make a final decision.

Eligibility: You need to know whether the quote you’re weighing up is from a medical scheme for which you are eligible. There are two types of medical aid schemes: open schemes and restricted or closed schemes. Open schemes include well-known names such as Bonitas, Selfmed and Discovery and are geared towards offering medical cover to as many South Africans as possible. They have no restrictions in terms of eligibility. Closed schemes by contrast are only open to members of certain associations, unions, trades, professions or companies. GEMS, for instance, only provides treatment for government employees.

Take into Account Medical Needs

Medical needs: Whether your medical needs are minimal or if you require frequent hospitalisation or specialist care, medical aid schemes are a far better choice than insurance companies. This is because you are covered for all the 300 or so conditions that fall under the PMBs. In addition, you can expect to be treated regardless of your health status. We have mentioned the restrictions of the unregulated insurance companies in this regard.

Expected pregnancy: Joining a medical aid scheme as early as you can is always advisable and you will see the importance of this when you start a family. If you were a member before you become pregnant, you will enjoy cover for treatment all the way from the pre-natal to the post-natal stages. However, if you sign up during the course of the pregnancy, the mandatory 12-month waiting period imposed by most medical schemes might prevent you from enjoying all these benefits. Many schemes, however, will still cater for the new baby’s treatment while in hospital.

All info was correct at time of publishing